Anemones are a favorite flower for the house and look good tucked into a corner. The same goes for a painting of a bunch of anemones in whatever color you like best, as they come in every shade from white to deep purple. So let’s get painting!

In this video I talk about the choice of colors I made to create my first watercolor painting box back in 1989. Here’s the list of colors which I chose at that time, plus a few extras which have made the box a complete set, capable of painting any type of composition.
Cadmium Red
Alizarin Crimson
Permanent Rose
WInsor Red
Cadmium Orange
Lemon Yellow
Transparent Yellow
Cadmium Yellow
Yellow Ochre
Naples Yellow
Cerulean Blue
Cobalt Blue
Ultramarine Blue
Pthalo Blue
Winsor Blue
Prussian Blue
Ultramarine Violet
Winsor Violet
Sap Green
Winsor Green
Winsor Turquoise
Burnt Sienna
Caput Mortuum
Raw Umber
Burnt Umber
English Red
Paynes Grey
Ivory Black
Lamp Black
I suggest you buy your colors from Jacksons online shop. They have the best prices and best stocks, and you get 10% off their already low prices when you place your first order, and plus, you are helping us out as we get a little commission from Jacksons when you purchase via our link. Click below to go to their shop:
Painting Loose Watercolor Anemones – how to paint impressionistic and lively flowers
Here’s a closeup of this painting so you can see how loose the work is. I used only one brush, four shades of red, one yellow and one green. The paper I used was a stretched sheet of Bockingford. All my materials are available from Jacksons. Their shipping charge is very reasonable and they are reliable.

f you want to follow along and have a go at this subject, the link to the YouTube video is here.