From the Diane Antone Studio Blog

Here is your weekly email letting you know what's happening on the Studio blog. As always you can watch the tutorial right in the blog, and you'll find handy product links and more photos and information there too.

Turning Circles into Flowers

Let’s break with tradition and paint some flowers starting with circles! The essence of a flower is a circle, gradually expanding outwards to create the infinite number of different flowers which cover the planet. So let’s start with some circles and see where that takes us! Let's embark on another creative journey together and explore abstract watercolor doodles and …

Pretty Vintage Birdcage with Flowers

So why shouldn’t you fall in love with your art? Well, that’s not what I mean! Someone said to me once - or maybe I read it - I suspect it might have been Ron Ranson or Roland Hilder - that it is risky to become attached to a small section of your painting while it is still in progress. …
Pretty Vintage Birdcage with Flowers

World Watercolor Month Prompts for July 2023

Here’s where you’ll find our special prompts for World Watercolor Month 2023 #worldwatercolormonth2023 The prompts can be painted in as simple or as detailed a way as you wish. Just take one element from the prompt and keep it really easy and quick, or go all out, depending on your mood and the time available. You can use all sorts …
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