Here’s a fun sheep painting ideal to while away a few idle moments before you go to bed and maybe help you sleep at night! A great one to do with the kids and perfect for a card for your friends! Add your own personal touches to make it yours!

The great thing about this little painting is that it can be personalised in so very many ways! Change up the embellishments to suit your style or the preferences of the intended recipient of the painting, alter the color scheme and make the faces represent the mood you want to convey!
Let’s Experiment!
Here is my original sketch for the six sheep. I included various embellishments which didn’t make it to the final version, and I tried out ink versus white and gold designs. I had a cloudy sky and some butterflies, none of which remain in the final video, but which could easily be included in your version.

I decided the one in back looked lonely so I gave him a friend to cuddle up to, which left four in the front to make a nice arrangement.

Here I was developing the idea of these six sheep and experimenting with different color schemes. As you can see, I have swatched out the green-blue colors from my A. Gallo Signature set of paints, and together they made a really nice stylish effect.

This kind of design is ideal for making bright and cheerful greetings cards, tags, bookmarks and little frameable gifts for anyone. Paint it for your junk journal or art journal. Paint it to cheer yourself up. Paint it to use up the paint you mixed and didn’t use on the painting you just did. Just paint it!

I did this little painting on a page in my Viviva sketchbook. The paper is fairly smooth, and although it is called cold pressed it reacts more like hot pressed. It allows the white ink to show up nicely on the painted areas, which is often not the case with a more textured paper.
I have links below to various other similar papers which would be ideal also for this project. You certainly don’t need a cotton paper for these types of playful paintings. Often the result you get on cellulose will be brighter than on cotton, due to the amount of sizing on the cellulose paper.

Watch the video of Whimsical Sheep for you to paint
Here are three more good choices for paper when you paint your sheep.
And here are three options for inexpensive paints as a beginner ideal for Whimsical Sheep for you to paint: