Paint this little fishing village harbour scene complete with boats and lighthouse in your Etchr sketchbook. Using A. Gallo paints and a Sakura Micron pen you can make up your own details to reflect your own experience of villages like this. Let’s go paint!

What’s more delightful than hanging out by the water, and gazing out at the fishing boats and yachts in the harbor? Bring back memories of times like these by painting this little scene and offering it as a gift to yourself or a loved one.
I painted this little ink and watercolor in my Etchr sketchbook, size A4 or 20 x 30 cm (8 x 10 inches approx) which you can find here on Amazon
The fun of this kind of painting is in the detail. I enjoy deciding what kinds of windows the houses are going to have, who is going to be walking down the street, and what the name of the boat will be – you will enjoy this part of the process too!
And the details of course can be changed to reflect the place where you live, or the location you want to remember.

What paper to use
I used my Etchr sketchbook 140lb paper for this one as I wanted to add to my Gift from the Sea series. In the end I couldn’t find anything in Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s book referring to boats so I turned to John Masefield’s Sea Fever – a wonderful poem which evokes the scent of the ocean.
Materials for this Harbor Scene
There are quite a few different colors in this painting when it is finished, but you’ll be surprised to find how few tubes of paint I needed in order to mix my various and assorted greys for the scene. I used one special color, Notturno, from A. Gallo, which in fact you can mix from Pthalo Blue and Alizarin Crimson. This is used for the rocks under the lighthouse. I used Cadmium Red, Ultramarine, Quinacridone Gold, and Pthalo Blue – plus a few molecules of Cadmium Yellow for the seagulls’ beaks. My favorite student quality paint is still Winsor and Newton’s Cotman range, which you can rely upon to deliver quality at a reasonable price.
I used a large and a small (sizes 7 and 11) round synthetic brush, an ordinary pencil and an eraser. The video of the full pencil sketching process is available for you if you are a member of the channel on Patreon or YouTube, and the download of the traceable sketch is here on the website for free.
So let’s get started!
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So pretty!