“I’ll sweeten thy sad grave: thou shalt not lack the flower that’s like thy face, pale primrose, nor the azured hare-bell, like thy veins.”
– Cymbeline, Act IV, Scene 2

I decided on a whim today to paint a sprig of bluebells. They must be flowering in England, I thought. One of the things I miss in France is the bluebell woods of England, which contain 50% of the world’s bluebells, unbelievably! We don’t really have them in France!
So I painted this little bluebell painting, complete with a buzzy little bee.
I’ve been looking on Amazon for inexpensive paper to recommend for beginners to use which won’t give disappointing results and have found a few for you to look at.
Good quality paper needn’t cost a fortune, but is essential if you are going to be happy with your results. A cold press cellulose paper from any of these manufacturers should be ideal. If you have any questions about your choice don’t hesitate to ask in the comments below! Happy Hunting!