Here’s a quick and easy floral with a cat which would be ideal to make into a cute greetings card. Use odds and ends of paint and a small piece of paper to create a whimsical moment in your day.

This little painting is easy and effective and will banish the blues for a few minutes of your day.
Why not give it a try now
For this painting I used a page in my Viviva 7 x 5 inch sketchbook. These sketchbooks have paper in them which is between hot and cold press, and which takes fineliner pen work well, so is ideal for whimsical doodly works.
For the drawing part of the painting I used a fineliner pen, and for the painting part any inexpensive watercolor will do. You could even use markers if you wanted!

How to Paint the Cute Cat in a Flowerbed
These are a selection of good metallic colors I can recommend:
Here are a few good options for brushes:
Here are three more good choices for paper when you paint your picture.
And here are some options for inexpensive paints as a beginner. ideal for How to Paint Graphite Circles for you to paint: