Happy Halloween Jack o’Lantern Painting! Here is a last minute quick and easy painting for halloween using Arches paper and bright watercolor paints.

We grew a wonderful crop of bright orange pumpkins this year, from seeds we had saved from last year’s harvest. We had them stacked up outside the studio for a while, but one of them found its way into the kitchen, and just before bed the other night I was seized by the desire to carve a Jack o’Lantern!
Of course, no sooner carved than lit and we all gasped as the eerie face sprang into life!

So here are the materials I used to paint this ghoulish chap, and I hope you give it a try before halloween is over!
There’s no doubt about it, Arches watercolor paper is more tolerant of alterations and “fiddling” than any other paper I’ve used recently. Worth the extra cost!
Here’s an inexpensive set of watercolor paints which are fine for everyday use. Winsor and Newton Cotman paints are their student range, and very good value.
I use a lot of these pencils and it’s time to stock up again. They are perfect for adding really good darks when the paper is still wet, or wetting once you have done your drawing.