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Hi Insiders!

Rescuing animals seems to have become a way of life for us here in Brittany... so join me in welcoming Remy the Rooster!

When I checked in with Remy half an hour ago, he was settling down for the night on the edge of the wheelbarrow in the hay store, looking very calm. We'll put some footage of him on our little YouTube channel From the Garden very soon.

Chickens make FABULOUS watercolor subjects. Take a look at my playlist of hens and roosters, which we've just added to the new "Learn Watercolor"section of the website

The rooster in the photo above was painted using the pan set from Viviva Colors. Which neatly leads me on to our next piece of news...

Coming our way from Viviva...

I thought it was about time I tried out the metallic paints from Viviva Colors, so I got in touch with them and they've been very kind and sent a package of goodies which I'll be exploring with you in upcoming videos. Here are some of the things they've sent:
The Sketcher Set is the first product I tried from Viviva. It contains their original colorsheet set of 16 colors, plus a Kuretake water brush. It's honestly true to say that this little box of tricks changed everything for me, opening doors to many new materials and methods of painting.
As well as the original 16 colors, we'll be receiving a set of their Spring Colorsheets. These will be fun to explore as spring arrives (which it's starting to do already here in Brittany, with azaleas and crocuses first to the party, and I can see the perfect pink and yellow in this set!)
And last but not least, the metallic set! They have a set of metallic colorsheets too, but they're sending me the cork pan set to try out. This is going to be completely new to me. In fact so far I've only really used silver and gold metallic paints. So watch this space...!
Remember we have a permanent discount code with Viviva Colors - DIANEANTONE gives you 10% off your first order.

New on Etsy...

To Inspire You...

This week's inspiration comes From the Garden! After a few months' hiatus, we're making an effort to post videos regularly on our baby sister channel again. We know that we are blessed to have such an intimate relationship with the natural world and we hope that sharing glimpses into our lives with our animals and plants can provide some inspiration and perhaps some peace.

Here are two little nature meditation or relaxation videos which we hope you will enjoy:
An image of...
An image of...
Thanks for reading, and we hope you enjoyed this edition of the Insiders' Newsletter.
See you next week!