Diane Antone Studio
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Happy New Year!

Let's welcome 2024 by bringing some

LIGHT into the World together!

We have an exciting DAILY MEMBERS' CHALLENGE for the whole month of JANUARY for all our Members of YouTube and Patreon to enjoy:


I will be making SHORTS for some of the prompts, starting with the first one, "Fireworks in the night sky" and you’ll find them on our YouTube channel as well as elsewhere on social media.

I would love you to share photos of your creations daily in the Members' Facebook Group!

If you are a YouTube or Patreon member you are encouraged to join the Private Members' FACEBOOK group - which all paying members are entitled to join. This is the home of our daily members' challenges and you are sure to get lots of encouragement and positive feedback here! Non-paying followers can join “Learn to Paint Watercolor with Diane Antone Studio” which is a much larger group but also very friendly and encouraging.

To Inspire You...

Here’s a beautiful description of Fireworks on New Year, written in about three seconds for me by Artificial Intelligence. I think it makes a very good starting point for the creation of a work of art, if you’re the kind of person who is inspired by words, as I am...

“New Year fireworks illuminate the night sky with bursts of vibrant colors and dazzling displays. They create a symphony of light, sound, and excitement, captivating spectators with their mesmerizing beauty. The sky becomes a canvas, painted with sparkling trails and cascading sparks, symbolizing hope, joy, and a fresh start.”

Image and words by ARTificial Intelligence

Want to go Ad-Free? Join Patreon!

Join the Inspiration tier on Patreon and not only will you get our daily members challenges, access to our friendly private members group on Facebook, and a monthly $10 coupon to use on our website... you also get to watch HUNDREDS of our tutorials ad-free (ONLY on Patreon) - many of which have one-click sketch downloads too.
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Where to get the Prompt Sheet for #lightoutofdarkness - the January Daily Challenge

If you are a YouTube or Patreon member you will find the prompt sheet in the Facebook Private Members Group under FEATURED POSTS. Patreon Members will also find it in their Patreon feed, and YouTube Members will find it in their Members Community tab.

If you aren’t a member this is a good time to join as either a YouTube or Patreon member - why not make it your NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION to support your favorite art channel on YouTube!

For non-members, you'll find the prompt sheet on our website to download for free at the end of the month.

Sketchbook Suggestions for you to use for the Daily Challenge

I think it’s a great idea to use a sketchbook specially for your Monthly Challenge. It keeps all your work together and provides a wonderful way of enjoying your journey and inspiring your next paintings, conveniently all together. There is a dazzling range of sketchbooks available even if you only search on Amazon.

To help you get started, here are a few of my favorites. Please follow these links to help support our channel!

Leda Art Supply Sketchbook

This one comes in many sizes and is very versatile for all kinds of work.

E-Weichen Sketchbook

This one has loads of different covers available and although it’s only 5x5 inches it’s irresistible!

Linden Art Sketchbook

This is a nice sturdy travel journal which will give you 17 x 5 inches spread over the fold and is exciting to use for all mixed media work as well as watercolor.

Browse more sketchbook ideas in my Amazon shop...

You might also be interested in one of these bullet journal style spiral-bound notebooks, available from our website:

Wishing you and yours a Happy and Healthy 2024, and looking forward to seeing your #lightoutofdarkness paintings this month!
Diane & Tamsin