From the Diane Antone Studio Blog

Here is your weekly email letting you know what's happening on the Studio blog, where I write about watercolor painting, share information about materials and products, and generally keep you up to date!

Diane Antone x Craftamo Brush Set - On Sale from November 14th!

It was touch and go for a while, but we've worked hard with Craftamo over the last week to make sure that the launch date wasn't delayed again, and now it's only three days until our limited edition set of six brushes goes on sale! Sales go live on Tuesday 14th November at: 9am Pacific 12pm Eastern 5pm UK 6pm …
Diane Antone x Craftamo Brush Set - On Sale from November 14th!

Quick Link...

Read the blog post above to find out more about our limited edition brushes, or click below to go to Craftamo's website for pricing and shipping info, and to get your set!
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